Friday, March 25, 2011


"Money is not everything"
Very true. Money is not everything, BUT it's really important. Without money you cant live.impossible my friend..

"Money cant buy happiness"
Money cant literally buy happiness. sure.. but it can buy stuffsss that'll make me happy. aint that the same thing? With money, i can buy aaaaaaaanything that i like.keeping in mind not to waste and shizz of course.

"Money can only attract trouble"
Sure.. if you spend excessively and stupid enough to parade it around town, you know, like the first brother who owned the elder wand in the tale of three brothers in the harry potter book.(whose throat got cut in sleep coz he parade the wand like a fool)

You know what, I think i'll make a list of the things i would want to buy if i get hold of a shit load of money. *sparkling eyes*

What Would I do if I Own 1 Million US dollars (so that'll be 3 mil+ in Ringgit Malaysia yeah? ;p)

1.Donate some. (not to come off as a goody two shoes.but really, if you have THAT much of money. would you really use ALL of them and not give some to other people as well?)

2.Buy a new house for my family. one with a security guard at the front of the entrance of the taman. and cctv,and alarm system and all that shit. There are so many cases of robbery and everything lately that its starting to scare me. Really. So a secure house and neighbourhood is definitely a priority.

3.Buy a new beetle for meself. Since we already have a new house, there'll be space for my car no? =D

4.Buy inanimate, so called waste of money(according to the parental unit) objects. A.K.A gadgets! and these will kinect, iphone 4, playstation 3, macbook air, ipad, dslr and a freaking huge HD tv for people to play xbox n PS and all.

5. oh! Hire an interior designer. To design the new house. One that my mum likes. because of course he/she will spend most of her time discussing the house with my mum and if my mum doesnt see eye to eye with the designer, well, the house wont be finished la kan. ;]

6.clothes and shoes and bags and accessories (i think most of the money will be spent here.. -.-")

7. OHHH.. i would build a walk in wardrobe! this is a must =O

8. overseas vacation!

9. a really really good kitchen. and a really really good oven. i love baking.

10. and i would buy stuff for my friends and family. like lots and lots of them.They deserve it <3

11. aaand.. the rest of it would be saved into my bank. (wooo.. baru nak simpan? tinggal 20 sen je ntah2)


this is like counting the chickens before they hatch but in my case, I dont even have any eggs to be hatched into chickens. This is just daydreaming. I got better luck getting proposed by James Franco than this BS.

I think this is the effect of not getting enough sleep.You start daydreaming something that is ridiculous, and even thought it would be a good idea to blog about it. *sigh*

so the point of this post is..i need to get a job and earn some money

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Tumblr rocks..
been meaning to make one long long time ago.but..didn't. ahah.
here's the link!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The first two days of Ramadhan

...doesn't feel quite right..
first of all, there's the absence of your family members, then the food are mediocre, plus, the food will get cold by the time for berbuka..(T_T)

there are no scrumptious dessert made by your mum.. and you'll only get to eat freaking chocolate rolls for sahur.. =[

but no worries.. ill be back home tomorrow..heehee =D

there's something else that is kinda bothering me.. the names that ppl are calling me. i've been asked to be called zureen..reen...ree and i dont like it.. i remember once, i attend this spm seminar.. and this one girl, insists on calling me reena.what the fructose? its my name..dont i have the power to choose what i want to be called? and i choose to be called either azureen or aween; the names that people have been calling me since im in my diapers.. sorry.. but i just cant let this happen without me cringing in the insides.. i feel so like a diva right now.. =[

Monday, August 9, 2010

omg, new post?

okaaaayyyy.... so its been like, forever since i updated my blog. cant say that i was planning on updating it. but, i just woke up like, 1 hour ago and decided to take a look at my friend's blog, and her blog is so freaking awesome that it inspires me to write in my blog again. so thank you Azri! by starting to write in my blog again, the chances of me to wander to and watch videos till 4am, is thin (though, the chances are still there.. lol)

so, what to say?
there are soooo many things to blog about, i don't know where to start!

so i guess i'll start with where i am at the moment.
im at currently at UiTM Puncak Alam.Being an asasian,(assassin? o_O) is great to be honest, i LOVE living here.

Let me list the things that i think are awesome here, in puncak alam:

-I couldn't get any better housemates.seriously,im overcoming my problem of talking/chatting/hanging out with them too much.hahahah

-the place where we live is AWESOME! love the fact that we got our own bathroom in the apartment.yeah, they call it that. APARTMENT. basically, there's 4 rooms in each house and, there's 2 people in each room.and again, each house have one bathroom!! so, no common bathroom for us!!! (yeayyyyy)

- my groupmates (like classmates) are great as well.i've been making new friends, and i'm freaking loving it.i'm just so thankful that the people here are amazing.. =]

-no chores!!!!!!!

sigh.. there's a lot more actually, but i don't want to get into great details.. or at least, not now.

but that pretty much sums it up. great place to live, great friends, and i'm loving the educational system too..;D

au revoir!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Da Vinci The Genius 2009 Exhibition

sooooo.. since SPM is getting nearer and nearer,i cant help myself but feel nervous but at the same time giddy-ish.Nervous obviously because i'm going to sit for the most important exam in my life but, giddy because i want to do SO many things after SPM.Driving lessons,play A LOT of video games,Music class,Photography class perharps,computer games,SLEEPOVER ;],movie marathon, and a whole lot more.

one thing for sure,i want and WILL go to the da vinci exhibition at the National Science Center. =] i admit,i don't know ALL about leonardo ,but hey, im just a teenager and this is a good way to get to know him a lot better.He does seem like a pretty 'interesting' dude. *wink*wink*

It started on the 1st of October 2009 and i think ends on the 17th of January.Can't be sure of the exact date because the commercial was so fast. XP

Here are the admission charges:

Adult: RM25,
Children: RM20,
Family (2 Adults + 2 Children): RM70,
Senior Citizen (55 & Above): RM13

The tickets can be bought at the entrance of the National Science Center fyi.

I doubt the paintings (Mona Lisa,the last supper,Adoration of the Magi,.....) are going to be the real thing.because that requires a VERY tight security.. =/
but its going to be awsome nevertheless. =]

hope everyone is going to this exhibition!Malaysia is the ONLY country in Asia to be selected for this exhibition,so don't take that for granted !

you can get free tix here! Bless this person for giving out free tix.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Eid

hurrrmmm~ =3

Well, I had a normal aidilfitri i guess >.<
first aidilfitri , woke up at around 7 and sleep back at around two pm...while still clad in my baju kurung.. -__-
That didnt really please my grandma..T-T

[all pictures have been deleted]